Hello! My name is Korben Stone and I am a senior here at Sprague. It is my responsibility and honor to represent and advocate for you all to the councils and admin. If ever you see in the halls, come say hi! I look forward to working with my team and continuing to build a school more tolerant and welcoming to all.
Korben Stone
Kent Porter
Hello Olys! My name is Kent Porter and currently the ASB Vice President! Currently a senior at Sprague involved in after school events, leadership and mentorship! I’m here to help everyone out to my best of ability’s in our Sprague community! Reaching out and making connections to peers, staying curios and learning new ways to help! I’m so happy I get to have this opportunity and hopefully a fun year to come with you all!
Nicole Stanaway
Hey Olys! My name is Nicole Stanaway and I am your current ASB secretary. I am a senior here at Sprague, I have worked with various different programs like peer to peer mentor ship, and National Honor Society to help make Sprague a better place for students and staff. I wanted to be able to make a bigger impact here at Sprague and be able to hear all of our students voices in order to create the change they want to see. I look forward to a great year!
Maddie Downey
Hey Olys! I’m Maddie Downey and I’m the ASB treasurer! I’m so excited to continue working with our amazing team and serve you to the best of my ability! As a treasurer, I help keep the logistics of school events and service activities, but as a part of the ASB team, I want to help break Sprague’s stigma and make it a more inclusive and inviting environment where everyone feels seen and welcome. I love being involved in school activities and sports such as Track and Field, National Honors Society, Federal Christian Athletes, and the We The People debate team. Let’s make this a great year and keep on rocking Sprague!
Hey Olys! My name is Gwen Duncan and I am your ASB Sports Coordinator this year! I wanted this position because I really enjoy sports and supporting our teams. I want to encourage all students to attend games and support all of the different musical and athletic programs here at Sprague. Go Olys!!
Gwen Duncan
Ashlee Eller
Hey Sprague! My name’s Ashlee Eller, and I’m your spirit coordinator this year! I love working with leadership and class councils to create fun activities for the Sprague community! One of my main goals this year is to reshape how students feel about and see school spirit, and I aim to make Sprague a school that everyone enjoys coming to! Let’s light the torch Olys!
Hey Oly’s! I’m so excited to be your co-spirit coordinator again this year. I am looking forward to making this year even better than the last by creating fun assemblies, spirit weeks and other spirit related things. I hope that you can help me out by giving feedback and sharing your ideas with me so that I can improve the events for all of you!